Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Birth of Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Birth of Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (Limerick)
By Richard Mudrinich

There once was a man
Who was a grass-cutting fan.
He cut-off his big toe
Screaming oh no!
And hence was born Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man.

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Fall Equinox

The First Day of Autumn (Fall) 2021 is Wednesday, September 22nd. It is Yard Safety Awareness Day (YSAD). YSAD? I am sad because I am thinking about all of the people who have had yard accidents and got hurt or died. I celebrate because I want to create awareness so that other people can be rescued from yard accidents and live safe lives. Please take a moment and learn more about yard safety.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man now lives to promote yard safety awareness, products, and services to rescue individuals, families, and institutions from the dreaded experience of outdoor power equipment accidents. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man is here today so that yard accidents go away.Think yard safety! Celebrate yard safety! BE YARD SAFE!

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man