Tuesday, January 28, 2025


I first posted to my blog about fashion on January 8, 2005. It is a shame that I cannot execute any of my ideas because of trying to survive day-to-day. 

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) prepares for the fashion runway. I lived in New York City for a decade, and I made some friends in fashion. I have designed the Rescue Rick Fashion Collection of fashion products to give people a wardrobe that communicates their concerns for yard safety. I want to strut my stuff on the catwalk as a super hero super model (laugh). I am in the process of trying to get on the fashion list at fashion shows throughout the world in New York City. I view these venues as a critical opportunities to communicate yard safety awareness and leverage these highly covered and promoted media extravaganzas. There are about 100,000 lawn mower accidents and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that emergency rooms treat about 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related accidents in the United States each year. I want to the walk the runway at with hopes to significantly reduce these painstaking statistics and keep people whole and save. 

In essence, I want to try a few different approaches in getting the attention of the general public, so they will think twice before they cut the grass. Lawn mower accidents happen in a split-second, often resulting in a life-altering outcome that sometimes includes amputation. I learned this from first-hand experience when I amputated part of my left foot while cutting the grass. Also, I think that there is a real market for grass cut fashion™. I envision millions of people who demand a neat and stylish wardobe to wear while manicuring their lawn. It makes cutting the grass more fun and exciting. Furthermore, the Rescue Rick Fashion Collection™ presents a constant reminder of the importance of adhering to yard safety procedures. I want people to think about my altered left foot, so it does not happen to them.  Think before you cut.  It hurts™. 

Also, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) proposes the establishment of the Amputee Fashion Show™, if this has not been done already. The event will showcase clothes and items designed by amputees and modeled by amputees. The Rescue Rick Fashion Collection™ will be featured as well.

Think before you cut. It hurts. Be yard safe.

#Fashion #FashionShow #FashionWeek #FashionCollection #Runway #CatWalk #Ramp #Clothes #Clothing #Style #Wardrobe #Artist #Designer #Footwear #Shoes #Boots #Renaissance #FunnyFace #SuperHero #SuperModel #Amputee #ArtWithPurpose #Purpose #RescueRick #GrassCutMan #NewYork #Paris #London #Milan #LosAngeles #Tokyo #Madrid #Berlin #Seoul #Shanghai #Amsterdam #SaoPaulo #Toronto #StPetersburg #Mumbai #Hermitage #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


Friday, January 24, 2025


It is my pleasure to respond to some critics of Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man who view my passion for yard safety as ridiculous. I have met many people during my travels that have been very supportive of my yard safety campaign featuring Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm).

Also, I have encountered some people who view me as a flake and silly goose. On the surface, my campaign may appear silly; it is intended to educate and entertain, leading to increased yard safety awareness and caution. In essence, I am the first yard safety super hero in the history of the world™. Nonetheless, I can assure you that this campaign is not a joke. I had a lawn mower accident that cost me part of my body, cost me thousands of dollars, cost me several attractive career opportunities, cost me hardship with my friends and family, cost me frustration, pain, and suffering, cost me my reputation, cost me future surgeries and health complications, etc. In a positive light, I have gained a deeper gratitude for what I do and still have as well as several positive awakenings.

Likewise, I can rest assured that the millions of other individuals who have experienced yard accidents can state similar stories to varying degrees. In short, you may think that this campaign is silly until someone gets hurt. At the very least, if you still think it is silly, then you have been granted awareness. For instance, please do not take a child for a ride while mowing the grass with a riding lawn mower; many children fall off resulting in amputated limbs. Then, you are a silly goose. Be careful.

Think before you cut. It hurts! (tm)

#Ridiculous #Silly #Safety #Awareness #Campaign #Service #Purpose #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Friday, January 17, 2025

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the third Monday in January each year. Dr. King was a promoter of non-violent social change. Like Dr. King, I believe in servant leadership; I have a dream also. In particular, I want to rescue people from experiencing yard accidents. Yard accidents do not discriminate. They happen to all people regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, or national origin. Each year, there are 100,000 lawn mower accidents and 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related accidents. It is time for some more behavioral and social change. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) wants to make a contribution toward the elimination of yard accidents. It seems like people really do not care much about yard safety awareness until it is too late. Nonetheless, I have a dream too. I cannot wait to give my Nobel Prize acceptance speech to validate my yard safety message. Think before you cut. It hurts. Be yard safe. (tm)

#MartinLutherKingJr #MLKJr. #MLK #SocialChange #Pastor #Minister #IHaveADream #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Saturday, January 11, 2025


The Rescue Rick Opera ©

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) has written a very short opera to tell his story and express the pain and emotions associated with his lawn mower accident. The opera is a combination of an opera buffa (comedy) and verismo (real story). In an operatic baritone voice, Rescue Rick(sm) belts out the aria “I Cut Off My Big Toe and Some.”  Rescue Rick(sm) is truly a renaissance yardman. The libretto (text) is provided below:

“I Cut Off My Big Toe and Some”

I cut the grass.
I slipped.
I cut off my big toe.
I mulched my foot.
My shoe was mulched to shreds.
My wallet was mulched as well.
I pushed back the skin on the top of my foot.
I was in shock.
I almost lost consciousness.
My foot was a bloody mess.
It hurt.
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
I yelled Help Help Help with no response.
I became calm and composed.
I ran instinctively to get help.
Rescue Rick was rescued.
Go get my big toe.
I have a dream also.
Innovate and create.
Educate and communicate.
Entertain and impact.
Prevent yard accidents.
Think before you cut. It hurts!™

#Opera #Art #Purpose #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Prediction 2025

 "I predict that Year 2025 will be the Year of the Amputee."

#NewYear #Prediction #Amputee #Amputation #Safety #Innovation #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man