Monday, September 23, 2019

Fall Equinox

The First Day of Autumn (Fall) 2019 is Monday, September 23nd. It is Yard Safety Awareness Day (YSAD). YSAD? I am sad because I am thinking about all of the people who have had yard accidents and got hurt or died. I celebrate because I want to create awareness so that other people can be rescued from yard accidents and live safe lives. Please take a moment and learn more about yard safety.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man now lives to promote yard safety awareness, products, and services to rescue individuals, families, and institutions from the dreaded experience of outdoor power equipment accidents. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man is here today so that yard accidents go away.Think yard safety! Celebrate yard safety!

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sweet Sixteen (16)

Birth of Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (Limerick)
By Richard Mudrinich

There once was a man
Who was a grass-cutting fan.
He cut off his big toe
Screaming oh no!
And hence was born Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man.

It has been sixteen years ago on this day (September 21, 2003), I had a serious lawn mower accident, resulting in the partial amputation of my left foot and the birth of Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man. My life changed on that day. I received a divine message to promote yard safety awareness.

I was grass cutting, and I had only a few feet of grass to cut - possibly for the entire year. I was using a push mower. I slipped and my left foot went under the mower and came in contact with the blade. My left foot was sliced and mulched resulting in a severe amputation and wound. I was sent by life-flight helicopter from my local hospital in the Sharon Regional Health System to Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh where I had a series of extensive surgical operations. I want to thank all of the medical professionals for their care and talents. Nonetheless, I have had a long road toward recovery.

Consequently, I have created awareness regarding the frequency and severity of lawn mower accidents. I am the first yard safety super hero in the history of the world. Furthermore, I have been compelled to present some lawn mower safety measures with hopes to significantly minimize the occurrences and magnitudes of these costly, life-altering, mutilating, and painful events. I strive to find a cure for yard accidents.

Each year, there are over 100,000 lawn mower accidents. Furthermore, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that hospitals emergency rooms treat more than 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related accidents each year. Estimates from past statistics indicate that yard work accidents fatally injure more than 3,000 people. In addition, the estimated medical, legal, insurance and disability costs and other expenses of these injuries are over a billion dollars each year. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man presents preventive measures to rescue (hence, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) - a real-life caped crusader for yard safety) individuals and families from going through the dreaded experience associated with lawn mower accidents. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man and the Yard Safety Crusaders promote the safe use of the entire spectrum of outdoor power equipment. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man has provided similar outreach to other individuals impacted by a yard accident.

Since the birth date of Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man on September 21, 2003, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man has achieved several accomplishments: yard safety awareness initiatives, products, programs, services, etc. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man has reached millions of individuals, families, and institutions all over the world. Furthermore, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man has made a positive impact on several individuals and industries related to yard safety - including some life-changing actions and events. I have inspired the entire green industry to rethink safety resulting in several new safety initiatives. However, I have learned first-hand that "no good deed goes unpunished." Nonetheless, I am very committed to yard safety! My life goal is to achieve zero yard accidents and to befriend other people who have experienced yard accidents. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man is here today so that yard accidents go away!


Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Bloody Wool

Mary had a little lamb until the lawn mower accident. Think before you cut. It hurts. (tm)

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man paints with his altered left foot and his right hand (in sections of paintings involving more detail). The Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man Artwork (tm) communicates a message of yard safety. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man attaches the paintbrush to his partially amputated left foot to fill the void and channel his passion for safety through his foot on to the canvas. For information on the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man Artwork (tm), please contact Richard Mudrinich (Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man) via contact information at Thank you.

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Rescue Rick Remembers 9/11

From the tolling of bells near Shanksville, Pa., to a moment of silence on the White House lawn and a procession of families to the depths of Ground Zero, the nation paused Tuesday to honor the nearly 3,000 people killed six years ago when suicidal terrorists struck America.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man has visited each 9/11 site a few times. Today, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man has reflected several times about these events that took on September 11, 2001 as well as the resultant impact throughout America and throughout the entire world.

I was living in New York City on 9/11/01. I worked on Wall Street for over a decade, and I worked with some of the World Trade Center victims. Also, I had the opportunity to work for a firms located in the World Trade Center. Ironically, I had a meeting scheduled for 10:30 AM in 2 World Trade Center (south tower) on 9/11/01. I never saw some of the clients ever again. I often think about the family and friends of those who died on 9/11.

Furthermore, I am astonished by the bravery and skills of the many rescue workers who illustrated the epitome of love for fellow man and woman, as well as animals - WORLD-CLASS TALENT, DEDICATION, AND LOVE. Today, I am really sad for the rescue workers and volunteers who have developed health issues related to their efforts to help people. I pray that God will bless these individuals with improved health and great life offerings. Indeed, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man understands the expression, "No good deed goes unpunished."

After 9/11, terrorist has become a household word and mission. Also, terrorist has a few different definitions to me. Indeed, terrorism means Al Qaeda that hate a democratically elected government. They hate our freedoms -- our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. Furthermore, terrorism has existed in America before 9/11. There are Americans who strive to get ahead in life by bullying other people. They terrorize individuals often diminishing the freedoms of their victims and destroying their lives. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man advocates for bullying awareness and prevention. There are many similiarities between Al Qaeda and bullies. They both want control and possessions.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man supports the American troops as well as the many soldiers and civilians who have made great sacrifices to rectify this world mess. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man reminds the world of a great song written and performed by John Lennon "Give Peace a Chance." In the meantime, the U.S. Armed Forces must communicate love through force and education until the beautiful message of John Lennon's song encompasses the globe.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man believes that everyone should respect one another. Bullying results in human abuse.

Love is the answer!

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

National Football League

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man wants to make appearances at National Football League games throughout America. He wants to push his toy lawn mower the length of the football field to promote yard safety awareness. Please visit to learn more about Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man and his passion to promote yard safety. Thank you for your consideration. Be a yard safety crusader! Think yard safety! Be yard safe!

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

National Collegiate Athletic Association

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man wants to educate and entertain the world with regards to yard safety awareness. For instance, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man wants to make appearances at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) events throughout America. He wants to push his toy lawn mower on the playing fields and arena to promote yard safety awareness. In addition, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man wants to give presentations at student events as well as academic forums to share his story and vision as a true renaissance yard man and humanitarian. Please visit to learn more about Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man and his passion to promote yard safety. Thank you for your consideration. Be a yard safety crusader! Think yard safety! Be yard safe!

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

What About Me

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man addresses the topic of selfish behavior. I share the lyrics of the popular song "What About Me" to ponder.

What About Me

Well there's a little boy waiting at the counter of the corner shop
He's been waiting down there, waiting half the day, we never ever see him from the top
He gets pushed around, knocked to ground
But he gets to his feet and he says
What about me,
It isn't fair
I've had enough, now I want my share,
Can't you see, I wanna live
But you just take more than you give
Well there's a pretty girl serving at the counter of the corner shop
She been waiting back there, waiting for her dreams, her dreams walk in and out, they never stop
Well she's not too proud, to cry out loud
She runs to the street and she screams
What about me, It isn't fair
I've had enough, now I want my share,
Can't you see, I wanna live
But you just take more than you give
So take a step back and see the little people
They may be young but they're the ones that make the big people big
So listen, as they whisper
"What about me?"

Now i'm standing on the corner, all the worlds gone home,
Nobody's changed, Nobody's been saved,
And i'm feeling cold and alone
I guess I'm lucky, I smile a lot
But sometimes I wish for more than I've got
What about me,
It isn't fair
I've had enough, now I want my share,
Can't you see, I wanna live
But you just take more
What about me, It isn't fair
I've had enough, now I want my share,
Can't you see, I wanna live
But you just take more
You just take more
You just take more than you give
What about me
What about me
What about me

I can relate to this song. Selfish is as selfish does! Exploitation is evil! Help people!

Eternity is forever!

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man