Saturday, February 22, 2025


Reflexology is a form of ancient Chinese medicine involving treatment by massage of reflex areas in the feet. Every part of the feet corresponds to a part of the body with the left foot representing the left side of the body and the right foot, the right side. An imaginary line halfway down the foot corresponds to the waistline, with organs in the upper part of the body having their reflex areas in the upper part of the foot and the organs in the lower part of the body, in the lower part. Thus, the reflexes of the feet are arranged to form a map of the body.

I amputated my left big toe due to a severe lawnmower accident. The reflexology map of the foot illustrates that the big toe, for example, is considered a reflex area for the head. I lost my left big toe. Some people think that I might have lost my mind because of my obessive compulsive drive to create yard safety awareness. I might have lost part of my mind. Actually, for a few months after my big toe amputation, there was sometimes a disconnect with my ability to think - including my memory. Nonetheless, I have not lost my will to find a cure for yard accidents and to create awareness so that other individuals and families do not have to endure such a traumatic experience.

I will continue to monitor the mind-body connection between my left big toe stump site and my left brain. Also, I will check to see if my right brain has advanced since my right big toe is now compensating for the lack of my left big toe. Indeed, I am fascinated by this ironic phenomenon between the big toe (lack of big toe) and the brain.

#Reflexology #Chinese #ChineseMedicine #MindBody #BigToe #Brain #Reflexes #Feet #Map #Amputation #Lawnmower #LawnMower #Mower #Accident #Purpose #Hero #Superhero #SuperHero #Entertainment #Entertainer #Innovation #Innovator #RescueRick #GrassCutMan #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Spring Training

It is Spring Training and another Major League Baseball season is around the corner. Soon, fans will flock to ballparks across the nation. At most ballparks, ground crews will present some of the finest natural turfs in America. The grass will grow and need cut. Likewise, millions of baseball fans will grass cut their yards. Each season, baseball fans will have yard accidents at their homes and beyond.  Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) wants to partner with Major League Baseball to drive a yard safety awareness campaign. I propose that each Major League Baseball club promote a yard safety awareness day, including the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man Bobblehead Doll™ as a promotional item.

#Baseball #SpringTraining #MLB #BaseballCap #BaseballHat #Cap #Hat #Apparel #Fashion #BobbleheadDoll #BobbleHeadDoll #Bobblehead #BobbleHead #MajorLeagueBaseball #BallPark #Field #Diamond #Promotion #Promotional #Safety #YardSafety #LawnSafety #Purpose #Hero Superhero #RescueRick #GrassCutMan #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


Sunday, February 09, 2025

Yard Footwear

Richard Mudrinich is the founder and inventor of the first-of-its-kind lawn safety footwear and gear, including the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man Yard Safety Footwear™. "I am the first yard safety super hero in the history of the world. Furthermore, I am the first person in the world to invent garden grass landscape landscaping lawn mowing turf yard safety footwear specifically targeted for the landscaping experience. I conceived these ideas, especially the yard safety footwear, after chopping-off part of my left foot with a walk-behind power push lawn mower while cutting the grass,” shares Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man.

“I was inspired to invent my yard safety footwear immediately after my yard accident. While in the hospital recovering from several surgeries as a result of my severe lawn mower accident, I made a life-commitment (divine inspiration) to yard safety awareness. In the hospital bed, I conceived the concept of the first-of-its-kind yard safety footwear and gear in order to prevent yard accidents from happening to other people and animals. Since I cut-off part of my left foot, I focused initially on designing and developing the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man Yard Safety Footwear™. My focus then expanded to design Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man Yard Safety Gear™ to protect other parts of the body. These personal protective equipment items are yard safety insurance products and promote preventative medicine as well. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ will donate to educational and charitable purposes,” shares Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ has received a divine direction (patent) from God to continue to promote the concept of yard safety footwear. He recognizes that other individuals have taken his idea as their own. He wishes that those individuals would acknowledge that Richard Mudrinich (Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™) is the inventor of yard safety footwear. Furthermore, there are some individuals who exhibited unethical, unprofessional, and maybe illegal behavior with regards to private discussions, especially involving some federal (government officials, small business development centers, etc.), federal affiliated (SCORE), commercial organizations (patent attorneys), non-profit organizations (hospitals, business development organizations, etc.) that exist to help an entrepreneur development his idea into a business, including protecting intellectual property. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ cautions entrepreneurs about approaching these organizations, especially with regards to intellectual property. In essence, the entrepreneur feeds these organizations ideas that are then distributed and exploited beyond the entrepreneur. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ was exploited by organizations established to help (not exploit) entrepreneurs. Indeed, there are now several new entrants into the yard safety footwear arena. Also, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ is the source of other small and large corporations entering the yard safety footwear business. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ is the source of new footwear applications by recent entrants into the lawn safety footwear market, including existing safety footwear. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ is disappointed in these individuals and organizations, especially those acknowledging that Richard Mudrinich is the father and inventor of garden grass landscaping lawn mowing turf yard safety footwear. Richard Mudrinich wants some credit and compensation for acting as the catalyst of a new niche yard safety marketplace. "Throw the yard safety super hero a bone," requests Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ is a caped crusader and yard safety super hero working tirelessly to prevent lawn mower accidents and to promote yard safety. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ is a renaissance yard man utilizing various art forms to communicate his safety message. “I want to educate and entertain the general public regarding the importance of yard safety. Lawn mower accidents happen in a split-second, often resulting in life-altering outcomes that sometimes include amputation. I learned this from first-hand experience when I amputated part of my left foot while cutting the grass,” shares Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™. “Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ is here today so that yard accidents go away.”

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ is a yard safety awareness conduit for the betterment of mankind. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man™ wants to create awareness regarding the frequency and severity of lawn mower accidents and to promote preventive measures to rescue individuals and families from the dreaded experience associated with yard accidents. Each year, there are about 100,000 lawn mower accidents. Furthermore, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that hospital emergency rooms treat more than 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related accidents each year. Estimates from past statistics indicate that yardwork accidents fatally injure more than 3,000 people. According to Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man, "Think before you cut. It hurts. I encourage you to heed the outdoor power equipment safety precautions and to promote yard safety!"

Be yard safe! Think before you cut. It hurts!

I am the #inventor of the #lawn #yard #footwear concept. I was the primary #caregiver of my #mom for over 15 years; I could not advance my concept. In the meantime, several corporations and a few startups have created yard shoes. I am looking for kindred spirits who will help make my footwear vision a reality. #RIPMom #RRtGCM

#Footwear YardFootwear #Apparel #Inventor #Designer #Renaissance #Yardman #Fashion #Innovator #SuperHero #ArtForm #Purpose #Vision #Collaboration #Lawn #Yard #BackYard #FrontYard #Shoes #Boots #Caregiver #Mom #Parents #LawnMower #Outdoor #Outdoors #LawnCare #Landscaping #Grass #GrassCut #Mower #Equipment #Safety #ThankYou #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Mower Safety for Pets

I submitted this press release on November 19, 2004 to promote mower safety for pets.

Rescue Rick Promotes Mower Safety for Pets

Hermitage, PA (PRWEB) November 19, 2004

Richard Mudrinich, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm), wants to promote mower safety for pets. He wants to caution pet owners to follow safety precautions to ensure the safety of their pets. "Each year, there are several lawn mower-related pet injuries," barks Rescue Rick. "It is recommended to keep your pet clear of the grass cutting area to ensure their safety."

The Origins of Rescue Rick

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em." - Act ii, Sc. 5, Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare

Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. Bruce Wayne was transformed by the tragic death of his parents. The Fantastic Four were bombarded with Cosmic Rays. For Richard Mudrinich, of Hermitage, Pennsylvania, greatness came in the form of a lawn mower accident.

“In September 2003, I had a serious accident with a lawn mower. I was sent by life-flight helicopter from my local hospital in the Sharon Regional Health System to the Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, where I had a series of extensive surgical operations,” says Rescue Rick. His lawn mower accident resulted in the partial amputation of his left foot. “And I am grateful to all of the medical professionals for their care and talents. Nonetheless, I have had a long road towards recovery.”

But, like others of his ilk, Rick has shown true heroic mettle. Spider-Man and Batman lurk the streets waiting to pounce on those criminals who seek their victims by night; the Fantastic Four use their powers to foil Dr. Doom and threats from other dimensions: Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) is a “caped crusader” working tirelessly to prevent lawn mower accidents and to promote grass cut safety.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) is no ordinary super hero! “I am compelled to present some preventive measures to significantly minimize the occurrences and magnitude of these costly, life-altering, mutilating and painful events!" exclaims our hero. "There are well over 100,000 lawn mower accidents a year. The estimated medical, legal, insurance and disability costs, and other expenses of these injuries, are well over 100 million dollars per year. I want to present preventive measures to rescue individuals and families from going through the dreaded experience of lawn mower accidents.”

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) presents some recommended actions (aPAL) as solutions to prevent lawn mower accidents.

AWARENESS – create awareness regarding the frequency and severity of lawn mower accidents and recommend the implementation of preventive grass cut safety measures and procedures.

PROTECTION – wear personal protective equipment when grass cutting.

AVOIDANCE – hire a professional lawn service that absorbs the risk and implements grass cut safety measures and procedures.

LEGISLATION – propose new legislation (perhaps, The Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man Act) that sets the minimum lawn equipment operator age at 16 with required grass cut safety education, introduces an operator’s license, launches various grass cut safety educational programs targeted at various age and occupational groups, etcetera.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) wants to create awareness regarding the frequency and severity of lawn mower accidents and to promote preventive measures to rescue individuals from lawn mower accidents. According to Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm), "Think before you cut! It hurts! I encourage you to heed lawn mower safety precautions and promote grass cut safety!"

About Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm)

Richard Mudrinich, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm), is an entrepreneur with a social conscience. He is an advocate and promoter of grass cut safety. In addition, he is the Founder of the Society of Lawn Mower Amputees. He graduated from the Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business (MBA) and the Pennsylvania State University (Bachelor of Science – Chemical Engineering). He has worked for the past decade on Wall Street in various areas, including fixed income, risk management, venture investments, and wealth management. Also, he has worked in business development, industrial sales, and manufacturing for several years. He has maintained a steady passion for entrepreneurship for several years, including serving as a volunteer with the Carnegie Mellon Entrepreneurship Network and the MIT Enterprise Forum. He lives in Hermitage, Pennsylvania. For additional information, please visit the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) website at http://www. rescuerick. com (http://www. rescuerick. com).

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man
228 Walker Road, #2
Great Falls, VA 22066
United States of America
(703) 851-9105
Http://www. rescuerick. com (http://www. rescuerick. com)

# # #

Post Concussion Syndrome

I experienced several concussions in a short period of time a few years ago that have really impacted my brain and body. I have been diagnosed with post concussion syndrome. I wish that I had my healthy brain again. It is very challenging and frustrating to live with a traumatic brain injury, especially when I have so many things that I would like to accomplish. I encourage everyone to be careful, especially when walking on ice. Then, if balance disorders evolve, I encourage those impacted to be careful not to fall any more or walk/fall into doorways, floors, or walls (to name a few). Also, I would not be ashamed of wearing a helmet to protect your brain and head. Furthermore, I hope that brain injury awareness continues to grow in 2025. Thank you for your consideration.

#Concussion #PostConcussionSyndrome #BrainInjury #mTBI #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2. It is held in the United States and Canada. According to folklore, if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this day fails to see its shadow, it will leave the burrow, signifying that Winter will soon end. If on the other hand, the groundhog sees its shadow, the groundhog will supposedly retreat into its burrow, and Winter will continue for six more weeks. The largest Groundhog Day celebration is held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, where crowds as high as 40,000 have gathered to celebrate the holiday since at least 1886. Many towns that celebrate Groundhog Day throughout North America have Winter-predicting groundhogs. By far, the most notable groundhog is Punxsutawney Phil of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The 1993 comedy movie Groundhog Day takes place in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on this day. The main character (played by Bill Murray) is forced to relive the day over and over again until he can learn to give up his selfishness and become a better person. In popular culture, the phrase "Groundhog Day" has come to represent going through a phenomenon over and over until one spiritually transcends it.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man relives Yard Safety Day every day of the year. In an unselfish manner, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man strives to create yard safety awareness in preparation for the advent of Spring and beyond. Furthermore, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man sees his shadow every day representing another 365 days of yard safety. Happy Groundhog Day!

#GroundhogDay #February2 #Groundhog #PunxsutawneyPhil #Winter #MoreWinter #Pennsylvania #BillMurray #GroundhogDayMovie #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


I first posted to my blog about fashion on January 8, 2005. It is a shame that I cannot execute any of my ideas because of trying to survive day-to-day. 

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) prepares for the fashion runway. I lived in New York City for a decade, and I made some friends in fashion. I have designed the Rescue Rick Fashion Collection of fashion products to give people a wardrobe that communicates their concerns for yard safety. I want to strut my stuff on the catwalk as a super hero super model (laugh). I am in the process of trying to get on the fashion list at fashion shows throughout the world in New York City. I view these venues as a critical opportunities to communicate yard safety awareness and leverage these highly covered and promoted media extravaganzas. There are about 100,000 lawn mower accidents and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that emergency rooms treat about 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related accidents in the United States each year. I want to the walk the runway at with hopes to significantly reduce these painstaking statistics and keep people whole and save. 

In essence, I want to try a few different approaches in getting the attention of the general public, so they will think twice before they cut the grass. Lawn mower accidents happen in a split-second, often resulting in a life-altering outcome that sometimes includes amputation. I learned this from first-hand experience when I amputated part of my left foot while cutting the grass. Also, I think that there is a real market for grass cut fashion™. I envision millions of people who demand a neat and stylish wardobe to wear while manicuring their lawn. It makes cutting the grass more fun and exciting. Furthermore, the Rescue Rick Fashion Collection™ presents a constant reminder of the importance of adhering to yard safety procedures. I want people to think about my altered left foot, so it does not happen to them.  Think before you cut.  It hurts™. 

Also, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) proposes the establishment of the Amputee Fashion Show™, if this has not been done already. The event will showcase clothes and items designed by amputees and modeled by amputees. The Rescue Rick Fashion Collection™ will be featured as well.

Think before you cut. It hurts. Be yard safe.

#Fashion #FashionShow #FashionWeek #FashionCollection #Runway #CatWalk #Ramp #Clothes #Clothing #Style #Wardrobe #Artist #Designer #Footwear #Shoes #Boots #Renaissance #FunnyFace #SuperHero #SuperModel #Amputee #ArtWithPurpose #Purpose #RescueRick #GrassCutMan #NewYork #Paris #London #Milan #LosAngeles #Tokyo #Madrid #Berlin #Seoul #Shanghai #Amsterdam #SaoPaulo #Toronto #StPetersburg #Mumbai #Hermitage #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


Friday, January 24, 2025


It is my pleasure to respond to some critics of Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man who view my passion for yard safety as ridiculous. I have met many people during my travels that have been very supportive of my yard safety campaign featuring Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm).

Also, I have encountered some people who view me as a flake and silly goose. On the surface, my campaign may appear silly; it is intended to educate and entertain, leading to increased yard safety awareness and caution. In essence, I am the first yard safety super hero in the history of the world™. Nonetheless, I can assure you that this campaign is not a joke. I had a lawn mower accident that cost me part of my body, cost me thousands of dollars, cost me several attractive career opportunities, cost me hardship with my friends and family, cost me frustration, pain, and suffering, cost me my reputation, cost me future surgeries and health complications, etc. In a positive light, I have gained a deeper gratitude for what I do and still have as well as several positive awakenings.

Likewise, I can rest assured that the millions of other individuals who have experienced yard accidents can state similar stories to varying degrees. In short, you may think that this campaign is silly until someone gets hurt. At the very least, if you still think it is silly, then you have been granted awareness. For instance, please do not take a child for a ride while mowing the grass with a riding lawn mower; many children fall off resulting in amputated limbs. Then, you are a silly goose. Be careful.

Think before you cut. It hurts! (tm)

#Ridiculous #Silly #Safety #Awareness #Campaign #Service #Purpose #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Friday, January 17, 2025

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the third Monday in January each year. Dr. King was a promoter of non-violent social change. Like Dr. King, I believe in servant leadership; I have a dream also. In particular, I want to rescue people from experiencing yard accidents. Yard accidents do not discriminate. They happen to all people regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, or national origin. Each year, there are 100,000 lawn mower accidents and 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related accidents. It is time for some more behavioral and social change. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) wants to make a contribution toward the elimination of yard accidents. It seems like people really do not care much about yard safety awareness until it is too late. Nonetheless, I have a dream too. I cannot wait to give my Nobel Prize acceptance speech to validate my yard safety message. Think before you cut. It hurts. Be yard safe. (tm)

#MartinLutherKingJr #MLKJr. #MLK #SocialChange #Pastor #Minister #IHaveADream #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Saturday, January 11, 2025


The Rescue Rick Opera ©

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) has written a very short opera to tell his story and express the pain and emotions associated with his lawn mower accident. The opera is a combination of an opera buffa (comedy) and verismo (real story). In an operatic baritone voice, Rescue Rick(sm) belts out the aria “I Cut Off My Big Toe and Some.”  Rescue Rick(sm) is truly a renaissance yardman. The libretto (text) is provided below:

“I Cut Off My Big Toe and Some”

I cut the grass.
I slipped.
I cut off my big toe.
I mulched my foot.
My shoe was mulched to shreds.
My wallet was mulched as well.
I pushed back the skin on the top of my foot.
I was in shock.
I almost lost consciousness.
My foot was a bloody mess.
It hurt.
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
I yelled Help Help Help with no response.
I became calm and composed.
I ran instinctively to get help.
Rescue Rick was rescued.
Go get my big toe.
I have a dream also.
Innovate and create.
Educate and communicate.
Entertain and impact.
Prevent yard accidents.
Think before you cut. It hurts!™

#Opera #Art #Purpose #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Prediction 2025

 "I predict that Year 2025 will be the Year of the Amputee."

#NewYear #Prediction #Amputee #Amputation #Safety #Innovation #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Friday, December 27, 2024

Red Snow

In the northern hemisphere, the snow season has commenced recently. Several million households and businesses will require snow removal from their properties. Be careful. Think before you operate the snow removal equipment. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man provides the following snow thrower safety tips with the goal of preventing any accidents.

Snow Throwers Safety Tips

Read the snow thrower equipment owner's manual thoroughly and understand all recommended operating and safety procedures before turning on the snow thrower.
Clear the intended snow removal area of potential flying objects, such as stones or toys, before you begin throwing snow; loose objects can project out of the snow thrower and hit nearby people and objects. Be aware of objects hidden under the snow.
Never smoke when filling the gas tank. Avoid gasoline spills (be good to Mother Nature.)
Never put your hands in the snow thrower chute for any reason. When the snow is wet, the snow thrower chute may become clogged. When this happens, turn off the snow thrower engine and wait for all moving parts to come to a complete stop. Then, with a cleanout tool, clear the chute. If repair is needed, be sure to turn the engine off first and wait for all moving parts to come to a complete stop.
Never allow children to operate the equipment. Keep children indoors and under supervision.
Never throw snow toward people or cars.
Never allow anyone in front of the equipment.
Keep the snow thrower in good working order. Maintenance. Maintenance. Maintenance.
Wear appropriate reflective clothing and footwear for the weather and activity. Avoid wearing loose fitting clothing. Wear safety glasses to protect eyes from thrown ice, stones, and other projectiles. Keep your hair away from the snow thrower.
Never disable safety features on the snow thrower equipment. Please refer to the snow thrower owner's manual for details.

Leading  snowblower manufacturers indicate that the number one cause of operator injury comes from trying to unplug an iced up machine without turning off the engine (and consequently the snowblower). As elementary as it may seem, you should stress that the unit be turned off, key removed and  sparkplug wire disconnected prior to doing any service to the unit. Additionally, while smoking can shorten anyone's life span, filling the  snowblower with gasoline while smoking a cigarette can shorten it even more. (Source: Professional Landcare Network)

Keep the snow white. Red snow is not a sign of safe snow. Also, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man remains a Green Hero even in the white season. Keep it snow white safe!

#Snow #SnowRemoval #Safety #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Hanukkah!

Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights or Festival of Rededication, is an eight-day Jewish holiday that starts on the 25th day of Kislev, which may be in December, late November, or, while very rare in occasion, early January (as was the case for the Hanukkah of 2005–2006).

The holiday was called Hanukkah meaning "dedication" because it marks the re-dedication of the Temple after its desecration under Antiochus IV. Spiritually, Hanukkah commemorates the Miracle of the Oil. According to the Talmud, at the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem following the victory of the Maccabees over the Seleucid Empire, there was only enough consecrated olive oil to fuel the eternal flame in the Temple for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days - which was the length of time it took to press, prepare and consecrate new oil.

Likewise, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man is dedicated to Yard Safety Awareness. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man forges on with hopes that individuals will spread the yard safety message. It would be great if some people would buy some Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man merchandise and promote yard safety awareness. It would be another miracle.

#Hanukkah #HappyHanukkah #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Happy Kwanzaa

Happy Kwanzaa!

Kwanzaa is a week-long holiday celebrated primarily in the United States honoring African heritage, marked by participants lighting a kinara (candle holder). It is observed from December 26 to January 1 each year. Kwanzaa consists of seven days of celebration, featuring activities such as candle-lighting and pouring of libations, and culminating in a feast and gift giving. It was created by Ron Karenga and was first celebrated from December 26, 1966, to January 1, 1967.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man applauds the celebration of Kwanzaa. Likewise, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man would like to promote a yard safety celebration. Furthermore, the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man merchandise would be a nice Kwanzaa gift. In many ways, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man can identify with the Kwanzaa celebration. Be yard safe!

#Kwanzaa #HappyKwanzaa #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Winter Yard Safety

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) has designated the FIRST DAY OF EACH SEASON as Yard Safety Awareness Day (tm). I recognize that the grass grows and the snow falls year-round all around the world. There is always a grass cut and snow removal season somewhere in the world.

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) has designated December 21st or 22nd (First Day of Astronomical Winter) of each year as Yard Safety Awareness Winter Day (tm). I want to promote yard safety awareness all over the world. Whether it is snowing or grass growing, the first day of Winter calls for another opportunity to refresh and develop a commitment to yard safety. Give the gift of Yard Safety Awareness for the Holiday Season.


#Winter FirstDayOfWinter #Safety #YardSafety #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Happy Birthday Dad

My dad was born on December 22nd. Happy Birthday Dad!

I want to take a moment and reflect and pay tribute to my dad, Robert N. Mudrinich (December 22, 1930 - November 13, 1995). My dad died November 13, 1995. My dad was the greatest man that I have ever known. He was Christ-like in many ways, and he was very resourceful and patient. He reached out to those less fortunate as well as those more fortunate. He was self-taught on many levels. He was an inventive genius. My dad really was a super hero. Therefore, it is no wonder that I want to save the world from yard accidents.

My dad would have been the biggest fan and ingenious supporter of the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man yard safety advocacy. Now, my dad lives with Jesus; his body rests in Morefield Cemetery located in Hermitage, Pennsylvania. I feel the presence of Jesus and my dad as I take steps toward achieving my life goals and mission. My dad was a saint. He would have worn a Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man T-Shirt around town with pride until it was threads. In many ways, I do not think that my dad would be surprised by my passion to reach out to other people. He would embrace Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man, while some others think I am just an idiot. I wish that he still lived on Earth. I miss my dad. I really loved my dad. He was a great man. Before I die, I want to ride a lawn mower across America and then continue around the world. I want to be buried in my Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man super hero costume.

If my dad was alive today, the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man yard safety campaign and its various products and services would have already reached the entire world. Please visit the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man website for additional information.
I put a Christmas Wreath on his grave today.


Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man