Gobble Gobble for Yard Safety! Happy Thanksgiving! Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man gives thanks! Thank you for giving!
Thanksgiving is a traditional North American holiday to give thanks at the conclusion of the harvest season. In keeping with the holiday theme of giving thanks, during the socializing or meal, people talk about what they are thankful for or tell about experiences during the past year which have caused them to feel grateful. Families and friends gather for a reunion, a day of thanks, and a festive meal.Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man wants to express his gratitude for the many individuals and families who have expressed concern and support over the years. Thanks for giving! I am grateful for the many people who have reached out to me in support of the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man yard safety awareness advocacy. Indeed, there is considerable work required to make yard accidents extinct. I have noticed that people fall on the continuum of extremely selfish on one end and extremely generous on the other end. Rescue Rick believes that both extremes are not healthy and could lead to an increased yard accident. Once again, thank you to all of the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man fans and supporters all over the world. Also, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my passion and artistic expression to heighten yard safety awareness. THANK YOU!
Invite the Lord to your Thanksgiving dinner and thank Him for all the bounty and blessings in your life. While you and your family are enjoying all that Thanksgiving offers, be sure and take a moment to think about everything that you are thankful for this Thanksgiving. Also, please remember to reach out to those individuals and families less fortunate.
Why not start a new tradition in your home of sharing your "thanks" around the dinner table before the BIG MEAL! Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man suggests introducing the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man Yard Safety Awareness Bib to your Thanksgiving dinner table. Be thankful for all children of God!
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man strives to glorify God by advancing and promoting yard safety awareness. Once again, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man gives thanks to those who give! Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man desires to give even as a peasant philanthropist!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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