Wednesday, November 01, 2023


Comedian Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man

Richard Mudrinich, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man utilizes various art forms to communicate the yard safety message, including Comedy. I have been told my entire life that I am a character. So, I share my unique personality that is perceived as comedic. Hence, I hope that my comedian alter ego communicates my message in an entertaining fashion.

What did the bartender say to the fresh-cut blade of grass?
"You are cut-off now."
(NOTE:  NEVER drink alcohol while operating outdoor power equipment!  Likewise, NEVER operate outdoor power equipment while under the influence of alcohol.  And, don’t make MADD - Mothers Against Drunk Driving - mad!)
"Don't drive or operate anything under the influence of alcohol." - Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (#rrtgcm)

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) is a performing artist. The purpose of the show is to introduce humor and laughter to present my gruesome lawn mower accident story and teach yard safety awareness. In essence, Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) is the grass cut comic. I want someone to think about the Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm) yard safety awareness campaign before they grass cut the next time. Thus, I strive to prevent people from having outdoor power equipment accidents. Please be safe. In a split-second, you can hurt yourself or someone nearby. Also, life can be short; you can die from grass cutting. Nonetheless, there is still grass to cut in cemeteries. Grass cut and have fun. Laugh a little. Laugh your graaaaaaaaassssssss off. Think before you cut. It hurts. (tm)

"Tiny Tim played a ukulele.  Henny Youngman played a violin.  Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (RRtGCM) makes music with his toy lawn mower." Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man (sm)

Be Yard Safe!

#Comedy #Comedian #Entertainment #Purpose #Yard #Lawn #Grass #Safety #Awareness #MADD #Mothers #Fathers #Family #Rescue #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


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