Friday, July 27, 2007

Subprime Mortgage Hedge Funds

Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man is here today to trim the hedges - hedge funds. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man is a yard safety super hero who strives to rescue individuals from accidents involving green grass and now greenbacks.

It is apparent that Wall Street is completely out of control - pressing the smoke-and-mirrors environment to a new level of fraud and unethical behavior. Risk management and investment performance is masked by mismarked positions and shady investment management. Wall Street has many tricks and holds these cards of the trade close to its vest. With the current subprime mortgage hedge fund fiasco, the Wall Street cards have been dropped and revealed to the public and investment communities around the world. Indeed, Wall Street firms stick it to other Wall Street firms as well. Nonetheless, the Wall Street shell game will reshuffle for the sake of maintaining the markets - preventing a dramatic market collapse. Yet, I hope that justice will be served. Bad sneaky is as bad sneaky gets. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man is here today to rescue the investor from getting mulched on Wall Street.

Think before you invest. It hurts. Please be careful with your investment decisions. Wall Street serves its purpose, and Wall Street will take your money. I caution your trips to the Wall Street casino. Wall Street is very shrewd, very cruel, and very sick. It is a wonderful day in the Wall Street neighborhood - the gang will stick you if they can!

In short, there are some similarities between yard accidents and Wall Street accidents - both involve stupid human tricks on various levels.

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


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