Saturday, February 03, 2007

Black Sheep

I have sometimes been referred to as a Black Sheep. I have sometimes felt like a Black Sheep.

Black Sheep is a derogatory colloquialism in the English language meaning an outsider or one who is different in a way which others disapprove. This can be someone who has been shunned by others, or one who has chosen to be an outsider, due to actions and aims that separate them from the rest of the people or "flock". The term Black Sheep originated from the fact that the occasional Black Sheep will be born into a herd of white sheep. Black Sheep were considered undesirable because their wool cannot be dyed. White is the preferred color for wool as it is most easily dyed and thus easiest to market.

Black Sheep can be very complex. Sometimes Black Sheep are treated like slaves. Slavery is the social status of specific persons, known as slaves, who have been stripped of individual rights, and are the property of another person or household. Slaves are people who are held against their will since either their capture, their purchase, or their birth, and are deprived of their individual freedom for the purpose of exploitation of their labor and in some cases their sexual abuse. Historically, slavery has generally occurred as a means of securing the labor of the slave, without the right of the slave to refuse, leave or receive anything in return for his labor. As such slavery is one form of unfree labour. Chattel slavery is the absolute legal ownership of a person or persons, including the legal right to buy and sell them. While slavery has been a prominent feature of many civilizations throughout human history, it has over the past few centuries gained a repugnant aura.

Slavery still exists today in the classic sense as well as taking on new forms. For instance, some illegal immigrants are smuggled into countries as part of binding and life-threatening slavery contracts and arrangements that affect family members. Some people have become slaves to personal and professional debts. For instance, some people have been captured by the enticing methods of various credit card companies and are captive to the credit card master. Most people do not want to be a slave. Some people do not want to be a Black Sheep. Some people embrace being the Black Sheep.

Predators like to exploit the Black Sheep. However, Black Sheep feelings are not isolated. Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, and White Sheep have similar feelings. Disabled Sheep have similar feelings. Age Sheep have similar feelings. Religion Sheep have similar feelings. Sexual Sheep have similar feelings. In short, All Kinds Of Sheep share similar feelings. The Civil Rights Movement addressed some of these feelings. All Sheep still have feelings today so the iterative process of human and animal rights continues everyday. Civil rights are the protections and privileges of personal power given to all citizens by law. Human rights are rights that many scholars claim ought to belong to all people. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man wants ALL SHEEP (children and animals of God) to be safe.

Black Sheep should embrace their uniqueness. God has given each person unique gifts. The world needs participation and contributions by ALL Sheep. We all have value. Sometimes people need all-natural black wool because some people are allergic to black dye. They desire the Black Sheep. We must never give-up regardless of how much wool and what color wool we possess.

We are all lambs of God.
Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow until the yard accident.
Think before you cut. It hurts.
Think before you act. It hurts.
Think before you talk. It hurts.
Think with your heart, mind, and soul. It will not hurt.

Learn from the past.
Embace similarities and differences.
Good over Evil.
Live Live Live.

February is Black History Month in the United States and Canada.
October is Black History Month in the United Kingdom.
Yard Safety Awareness is Everyday Every Year.

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man
Visit My Website


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