Saturday, October 05, 2024

Names & Faces

The following article appeared in the "Style: Names & Faces" section of the Washington Post, Saturday, October 29, 2005

Rescue Rick on a Mission

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's . . . Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man?! Yep, that's right. Coming to a random location near you.

Richard Mudrinich is a financial securities associate by day and a cape-wearing crusader of lawnmower safety by night (and on weekends sometimes).

The Great Falls resident says he created his superhero after he ran over his foot with a lawnmower in 2003 and underwent five surgeries. "People in the hospital told me how frequently these accidents happened," he says. "I started to think of what I could do to raise awareness of yard safety."

Rescue Rick officially debuted in 2004, handing out leaflets at public events to "draw some positive attention" to his cause. He has since popped up at gas stations, schools and the Mall.

"I decided to enter the world of entertainment in the form of a renaissance yard man to communicate the safety message," Mudrinich says.

He says his family and friends support his cause but are "laughing along with me" at the concept of Rescue Rick and his outlandish costume (bright red cape, yellow T-shirt, Groucho Marx-style nose and multicolored socks).

Despite the lighthearted jests, Mudrinich says he's "trying to essentially mimic Johnny Appleseed" by distributing leaflets wherever he goes and will be out in full Rescue Rick regalia promoting his message this Halloween.

I am very grateful for the Washington Post to print this article about my yard safety awareness advocacy.

#Names&Faces #WashingtonPost #JohnnyAppleseed #RescueRick #Halloween #Renaissance #YardMan #SuperHero #Entertainment #Purpose #YardSafety #Safety #Crusader #Advocate #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man



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