Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Unique Glory

God has a plan for each individual. He provided each person with unique talents. Throughout my life, many people have referred to me as a real character. Furthermore, I have had several character building experiences. After my lawn mower accident, I realized that God assigned me to become a yard safety super hero. Actually, I am the first yard safety super hero in the history of the world. Every day, I seek to glorify God by promoting yard safety awareness. My unique talent is to educate and entertain individuals regarding yard safety. Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man is a conduit to do the work of God. I do not want other people to get hurt. Think before you cut. It hurts on many levels.

#Unique #GodPlan #Talents #Character #Glory #Glorification #rrtgcm

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


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