Sunday, June 05, 2022

Social Entrepreneurship

Most lawn mower accidents occur between April and October, with June being the peak accident month. I had a lawnmower accident that resulted in the partial amputation of my left foot. There are over 400,000 yard accidents each year; there needs to be better data collection related to yard accidents.

For the past 20 years, I have advocated for yard safety awareness. Along the way, I have inspired many corporations and individuals to get more serious about creating awareness as well. In addition, I have inspired several corporations and entrepreneurs to commercialize many of my ideas. I have tried to develop collaborations, partnerships, strategic alliances, etc. (whatever you want to call it), yet I keep getting exploited and ignored. In particular, with a partially amputated left foot, I am obsessed with developing and marketing my yard safety shoe concept. I envision the commercial success of the yard shoe as a key ingredient to fuel my social enterprise endeavor to help other people. It is very difficult to accomplish while living in perpetual poverty. I will continue to plug along in isolation. 

In the meantime, please follow safety guidelines regarding all types of yard work. Think before you cut. It hurts! Be yard safe! 

#lawncare #lawnmower #mower #outdoor #outdoors #yard #safety #accidents #socialenterprise #entrepreneurship

Richard T. Mudrinich
Rescue Rick the Grass Cut Man


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